This course can count toward the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. As educators, ensuring that we create and support learning environments that are both accessible and equitable is crucial. However, access and equity in eLearning environments can present a unique set of challenges, whether we are creating and sharing course content digitally, engaging students in "hot topics" through discussion forums, or deciding how best to administer high stakes online assessments. In this fully online course, participants will learn by doing through ongoing participation in weekly learning activities. Together we will test out strategies for using online technology to enhance access and support equity, explore relevant principles and frameworks to inform our online teaching, and troubleshoot common challenges. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, participants will be able to enhance the accessibility and equity of their online courses in a variety of pedagogically informed ways by: -Effectively selecting and integrating digital strategies to support student access and equity online -Creating course components that actively speak to and support access and equity in the online learning environment -Facilitating online learning activities that embrace key principles of access and equity -Recognizing the strengths and challenges of various approaches to online assessment when viewed from a perspective of access and equity This course is open to all course directors at York and no previous experience with online teaching is required. Participants can expect to spend a total of ~4-8 hours engaging with course content and activities. The course is designed asynchronously, meaning that while there are weekly deadlines, participants can complete each week’s tasks at any time that is convenient to them. This course is actively facilitated by a Teaching Commons instructor, and participants will be able to ask questions and access further support and resources by email or through the course eClass at any point. Registration for this course is currently not open. To be added to a wait-list, complete and submit this form. You will be contacted should we offer this course again this year.